Animation creator development begins with human qualities
At the Laugh & Peace Entertainment School Okinawa, we aim to develop animation creators with a high level of creative skills through increasing not only technical skills, but overall human qualities as well. Interacting with people and exchanging opinions allows you to ascertain what people want, come up with a plan based on the ideas, and complete the production of your projects while taking the lead. Today, creators with a wide range of skills, rather than with a single technical skill, are in demand all over the world. Okinawa is a perfect environment to be in sync with nature, which is one of the essential aspects to improve such human qualities. Here, students learn the latest necessary digital technology to develop into animation creators with great human qualities. In addition, the highly diversified talents of our students are shared with the world through creating works for actual companies, various different types of media and international film festivals utilizing the strengths of Yoshimoto Kogyo management.