Course Introduction
Department of Creative Arts

The largest network of manga artists in the world “Silent Manga Audition”

Through our planning and production company you can learn onsite in coordination with overseas studios.
Department of Performing Arts

Methods from all over the world get together in one place.Make your debut while still in school.

Collaboration of105 years of expertise with the world’s most advanced digital media contents
Links between the 4 courses
These 4courses aim to produce contents to be shared around the world while mutually impacting each other. Manga works are turned into anime which are then in turn made into live action versions and plays. Developing production staff to carry this work out enables one single work created here to expand to multiple areas.

Liberal arts (Active Learning) / Industry and Academia Tie-up Projects
Our liberal arts involve “Active learning while having fun” together with Yoshimoto comedians in the genres of language, culture, business, digital technology and art which are necessary to play an active role on the global stage. This leads to developing talents with outstanding human qualities who can think flexibly without being bound to existing ideas and originating a concept of Cool Japan. With an aim to work together with communities, our school takes part in tie-up projects utilizing the Yoshimoto Kogyo platform as well as in workshop tours in Okinawa, Japan and Asia. We also carry out the Kid’s Cafeteria project in the free space on the first floor.
- Language
- Learning foreign languages through interesting novel methods
- Culture
- Culture and history
Planning and creating
TV travel shows
Appearance as reporter
- Business
- Developing new specialty/feature and business in Okinawa tourism to make contributions to the community
- Digital technology
- Every student will act as a YouTuber
Planning and production of online contents
Editing and dissemination of contents
- Art
- Go for it!
The Chelsea Project
Crowd funding using art
- Industry and Academia collaboration projects
- Collaboration Projects through the platform of Yoshimoto
Laugh & Peace Tour
Events in First Floor of the school (Event Space) Cafeteria Exclusive for Kids